Txuj Ci HMong Language and Culture Lower Campus - Hmong/English Dual Immersion (PreK-4)

1089 Cypress St.
Saint Paul, 55106
Address: 1089 Cypress St.
Saint Paul, 55106
Grades: PreK-4 (dual campus)
Principal: May Lee Xiong
Enrollment: 662
Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Phone: (651) 293-8935
Fax: (651) 293-8978
Email: may.lee.xiong@spps.org
Website: txujcilower.spps.org
School Tour Video
Txuj Ci Lower Campus offers a unique opportunity for the students to develop the skills to actively participate in today's multicultural society through our Hmong Studies program ro discover the gift of bilingualism through our Hmong Dual Language program.
Our students enrich their learning through art, science, theater, culture class and physical education. Academic subjects are taught in both Hmong and English.
We believe knowing more than one language brings countless benefits to our students and greatly enhances their intellectual growth, their cross-cultural skills, and broadens their world views to make world-class citizens.

We offer:

  • Hmong Dual Language PreK (full day)
  • Language Academy
  • Discovery Club (fee-based, off-site)
  • Extended Day for Learning (EDL)


District Magnet serving A, B, C, D, E, F


Quick Facts

Students who identify themselves as:
  African American
3 %
  American Indian
0 %
90 %
1 %
4 %
  Pacific Islander
0 %
  Two or more
2 %
Students in English Language Learning
69 %
Students in Special Education
7 %
Students eligible for Free and Reduced Lunch
83 %