Waitlist Frequently Asked Questions

What is a waiting list?

Waiting lists are created for schools and programs that receive more applications than they have room available. Students will be added to a waiting list for their first choice school if: 

• Space is not available for either their first or second choice school OR 

• The student is accepted to their second choice school 

The lists will expire two weeks after the start of the school year for most schools and programs. Exceptions include Pre-K programs, elementary language immersion programs and Capitol Hill Gifted and Talented. 


Can my child’s name be on more than one waiting list?

No. Students can only be on one waiting list. The waiting list only applies to your child’s first choice school. 


When should I expect my child’s place on the waitlist to change? 

Names are called from the waitlist as space comes available. Applicants are added to the waitlist based on priority levels and may cause students to move to a different waitlist placement.


Is it helpful to know how many are on a waitlist?

The total on a waitlist has no bearing on the number accepted. Acceptances are based on openings.